Pioneers of the Impressionist School


 Impressionist school is the most affected by nature, so it won the most famous and highest

appreciation, not the only one that owes nature its magnificence. Kandinsky, the chief abstract painter, recounts that his most unusual and intricate paintings of their composition are also generated from external natural elements. When Picasso embarked on his journey, flying into the cube space, he dreamed of the wild nature around the San Juan farm in the countryside of Catalonia, where today a center of art studies bearing his name is established. And he was repeating that all he knew learned on that farm that he immortalized in his paintings after he stayed there two periods, the first in 1898 invited by one of his friends, and the second in 1909 on the outskirts of his Cubist phase



In 1802, the British chief impressionist, Joseph Turner, left his country on a tour of the European continent, and his eyes were hungry to see the natural scenes that he had always dreamed of. And he traveled in the French nature, which bewitched him until he reached the Alps to stand in front of the "white summit" and the surrounding scenes, to capture his famous painting "The painter of light", which is still considered one of the peaks of impressionist art.


                                                            Joseph Turner (Light Painter)

As for the village of Giverny, located in the French Normandy region, it reduces the impression of Claude Monet, who settled there since his arrival in 1883 with his family and lived there for 43 years until his death in a house surrounded by a rich garden. Immortal 



                                                                   Impressionnisme Claude Monet                                                                

 for the inspiration of the Dutch genius Arencent van Gogh, it was the town of Arles in the French south, where he traversed the tormented journey under its lights and colors in the winter of 1888, and lived in the most fertile stages where he placed more than 150 paintings and hundreds of drawings, in which he proceeded using the yellow, green and dark blue colors Which distinguished his works and launched him to international fame after his death. In that town where he said that his soul was born in, he drew a number of his masterpieces such as "The Yellow House", "Sunflower" and "The Painter's Room

فان كوخ

                                                          (The Yellow House) Ernst Van Gogh

The French South was also the passion of Paul Cézanne who settled in a house there in 1880 in front of Mount Sainte Victoire, who drew it from all possible angles because of his gravity with the beauty of the scenes surrounding it. In the province of X-en-Provence, today there is a four-kilometer-long road called Cezanne, in which the visitor wanders the places and Global   drawing. scenery that inspired a genius

بول سيزان

                                                    (Mount St. Victoire) Paul Cézanne

When artist Matisse was sixty years old, in the year 1930 he was driven by his admiration for Paul Gauguin's work, so he boarded a ship in the port of San Francisco and headed to the remote islands of Tahiti, where he spent a whole month, during which he put some of his most beautiful paintings "taken by the magic of the night and the radiance Dawn that has a different density in that sky »as he wrote to one of his friend


                                    Matisse and the colors of the magic of the night and the radiance of dawn

In Japan, where nature is an extension of the human spirit and a memory anchors the past in its port to reconstruct memories, Mount Fuji, the sacred Japanese icon, was the only source that inspired Hokusai, the chief illustrator of the shining country of the sun who immortalized her in 36 paintings that are still considered today the national artistic asset par excellenc


(                                                       Mirrors of the Sea) by Hokusai


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