

(when a poet looks at the universe as a ball in his hands, what can he say while imprisoned between six walls ?!)




I am alone, sitting in my room.

My silence fights with me

and I try

not to surrender.

I talk to the walls,

I have nothing but my books

and a letter.

Yes, a letter,

not knowing who brought it here!



" I love you, and this is a fact.

Do not get me wrong!

What people told you was a lie.

I love you forever,

so long. "



No, no.  Nobody loves me,

I love nobody.

I do not love the way people love,

hate chains in love.

Do not chain my feelings.

I am free.

I was born free.

Let me love free.



Do you blame me

if I tell you I am in love

with some point in space,

at some time?

Yes, I am in love

with amazing worlds

nobody knows.



Everything in life is love.

Let me tell you,

childbirth, child death,

planets movements,

things in decay —

these are all love.

So, tell me please,

what is not love?



Einstein theories,

Picasso painting,

poems of unknown poets —

these are all love.

So, tell me please,

what is not love?



The light and the darkness,

the misery and happiness,

and waves interference —

these are all love.

So, tell me please,

what is not love?



I hear it a lot,

do not think of this existence,

do not ask what and why?

eat, drink, and play,

nothing deserves thought.




I will think free, and

ask free, for I am free.



Published in The Eloquent Umbrella, Oregon, USA, 1998.




معكم هو مشروع تطوعي مستقل ، بحاجة إلى مساعدتكم ودعمكم لاجل استمراره ، فبدعمه سنوياً بمبلغ 10 دولارات أو اكثر حسب الامكانية نضمن استمراره. فالقاعدة الأساسية لادامة عملنا التطوعي ولضمان استقلاليته سياسياً هي استقلاله مادياً. بدعمكم المالي تقدمون مساهمة مهمة بتقوية قاعدتنا واستمرارنا على رفض استلام أي أنواع من الدعم من أي نظام أو مؤسسة. يمكنكم التبرع مباشرة بواسطة الكريدت كارد او عبر الباي بال.


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