Ramadan: A time for spiritual renewal and reflection


 Muslims throughout the world are observing Ramadan.  Ramadan is the ninth month   of the Islamic lunar calendar that occurs about 11 days earlier each year; after 33 years, this 11-day difference makes Muslims, anywhere in the world, fast equally during the year, long days or short; hot or cold.


Fasting is an obligatory act for every healthy adult; unhealthy individuals are allowed to break their fast and make up later for the days they missed, including women who are menstruating, pregnant, and nursing.  Sick and traveling individuals are also allowed to break their fast.  The elder and those with chronic diseases must feed a poor person for each day of Ramadan.


Fasting also is practiced by other faiths.  Anyone may fast, but Muslims' fasting has the following characteristics:

  1. Timing: obligatory fasting is performed in Ramadan only (except for Ramadan makeup). There is, of course, voluntary fasting during certain days of the year.
  2. Methodology: Muslims abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, or marital sexual engagement from dawn to dusk. They take a light meal called Suhoor before dawn time.  At sunset, they break their fasting by having the main Iftar meal, which brings together family members and sometimes relatives and friends.
  3. Objective: fasting represents a significant experience in their faith. It is a personal action aimed at obedience to Allah and seeking the right perception of Him. 


Muslims look at Ramadan as:

  • A month of joy and blessing, not a month of starvation and unwelcome self-denial, as some might think. It is the month in which the Qur'an (the Muslim holy book) was revealed.
  • A time of inner reflection and pure adherence to Allah's divine order.
  • A reminder to refrain from forbidden deeds and immoral behavior.
  • A time for a body-mind-spirit purification to control desire and temptation.
  • A way to feel the poverty and to cultivate empathy for others.
  • A way to build a character and healthy body and mind needed for creative thoughts.
  • A period of gaining self-discipline and courage to overcome any hardship with enthusiasm and determination.
  • A way to promote social cohesion based on love, devotion, equality, humility, and patience. 


Fasting during Ramadan brings the community together into one act and one feeling.  All Muslims, regardless of color, gender, or economic status, come together for this collective worship.  They do it sincerely for Allah and Allah only — there is no authority to check whether a person is fasting or not.  Therefore, fasting may be thought of as a test of faith and honesty.  It is truly a wonderful annual event full of positives. 


The end of Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims emerging enriched and strengthened, both physically and morally.  They start their celebration by attending a special collective "Eid" prayer held in the morning, congratulating each other for completing the fast, extending greetings even to those with whom they are in dispute, and starting a new page of love and respect. 


Ramadan helps Muslims experience a renewal of life and fills them with a revitalized sense of honesty and enthusiasm to work diligently and acknowledge their responsibility toward others.


معكم هو مشروع تطوعي مستقل ، بحاجة إلى مساعدتكم ودعمكم لاجل استمراره ، فبدعمه سنوياً بمبلغ 10 دولارات أو اكثر حسب الامكانية نضمن استمراره. فالقاعدة الأساسية لادامة عملنا التطوعي ولضمان استقلاليته سياسياً هي استقلاله مادياً. بدعمكم المالي تقدمون مساهمة مهمة بتقوية قاعدتنا واستمرارنا على رفض استلام أي أنواع من الدعم من أي نظام أو مؤسسة. يمكنكم التبرع مباشرة بواسطة الكريدت كارد او عبر الباي بال.


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