The Fence


/The Fence/Saadi Youssef 

Translated by Khaled Mattawa

Khaled Mattawa is a cultural ambassador and poet-translator of Arabic poetry giving voice to a vast literature largely unknown in the Western hemisphere. In masterful translations that evoke the rhythm and cadence of Arabic, he renders the beauty and meaning of the poems  accessible to an English reader.

Khaled Mattawa, Translator/Poet, University of Michigan

His house was exposed to dust from the street.
His garden, blooming with red carnations,
was open to dogs
and strange insects,
open to cat claws.
The red carnations, when they bloomed for two days,
were a feast to the dogs
and strange insects,
a feast to cats and their claws.
Dust from the street invading the tender petals.
Salt on the flowers,
salt on hair,
salt on a moon turning in its clothes.
One day he remembered
how his grandfather built the family house.

 Saturday, September 21, 2013


معكم هو مشروع تطوعي مستقل ، بحاجة إلى مساعدتكم ودعمكم لاجل استمراره ، فبدعمه سنوياً بمبلغ 10 دولارات أو اكثر حسب الامكانية نضمن استمراره. فالقاعدة الأساسية لادامة عملنا التطوعي ولضمان استقلاليته سياسياً هي استقلاله مادياً. بدعمكم المالي تقدمون مساهمة مهمة بتقوية قاعدتنا واستمرارنا على رفض استلام أي أنواع من الدعم من أي نظام أو مؤسسة. يمكنكم التبرع مباشرة بواسطة الكريدت كارد او عبر الباي بال.


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