The body is the vessel of the soul and thought, and the woman’s body is the secret of life. The artist, Zaineb Shaban, celebrated this concept through 28 artworks in her seventh solo exhibition, entitled “Body and Soul”, held in...
Johannes Vermeer or Jan Vermeer, was a Dutch artist, born on October 31, 1632, in the Dutch city of Delft, and died on December 16, 1675, in the same city. Vermeer was the creator of the most attractive paintings in the history of art, and althoug...
Found since prehistoric times, it is said that its existence dates back to more than ten thousand years. It is a natural miracle, as it does not depend on tributaries or rivers that supply its highly saline water, but rather on the springs and the...
Waqi Allah is one of the most important calligraphers in the Arab world. He loved the Arabic letter, and gave it from his inventory an exceptional artistic energy, and because he possesses in his depths a great energy of creativity, so he set out wi...
Tarik est né à Babylone. Enfant, il se rendait sur les rives de l’Euphrate et jouait avec l’argile, la façonnant sous diverses formes sans savoir que cette activité inspirerait le travail de sa vie. Il se promènerait à Babylone voisine pour contempl...
Tarik was born in Babylon. As a child he would go to the banks of river Euphrates and play with the clay, fashioning it into various forms unaware that this activity would inspire his life’s work. He would wander to nearby Babylon to gaze at the grea...